What's new?

3:12 PM, Posted by SivartM, One Comment

Well, I've been geocaching, doing schoolwork, studying for PBA, building lenses on Squidoo, practicing my piano pieces, looking over peoples' shoulders, putting the finishing touches on my personal spaceship, secretly managing Microsoft, Yahoo and Google, brainwashing children through my television show and influencing them to eat more healthfully and be kind to others, forming my personal army of blenders to overthrow the kingdom of Atlantis, disproving gravity, downloading the Internet, making my own gasoline using my secret recipe using only water, grass cuttings and mayonnaise, inventing new colors, writing a book with no pages, hiding away the billions of dollars I make every day, capturing giant squids and selling them as pets, writing extremely long run-on sentences, broadcasting subliminal messages to make people eat more Fri-Chik, rewriting the Constitution to mention my name as Supreme Monarch for Life because I discovered America first, and writing in my blog as well.

One Comment

Anonymous @ 5:22 PM

Wow! You've been busy!!!